Grade: G2-G4
Max Enroll:  8

Package A: $180 tuition (mBot not included)
Package B: $225 tuition + MAIN provides mBot for student to use in class
mBot Robot Kit group discounted price: $88.



Come and meet mBot, a friendly entry-level robot for every child!

mBot, made by Makeblock, is a low cost, easy-to-run robot kit for kids to get hands-on experience about graphical programming, electronics, robotics. It is an all-in-one solution for robotics learning and designed for STEM education. The mechanical body of the mBot is compatible with the most Lego parts.

The heart of the mBot, mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering or breadboarding.

In this class, students will assemble their own mBot, recognize and understand the functionality of the various actuators and sensors that come with the mBot, use mBlock (a perfect combination of Scratch and Arduino graphical programming software) to program the mBot so that it can make decisions based on the data it receives from its sensors. Then, students will utilize these knowledge to make some fun interactive projects like: designing a track for your mBot follow by itself and avoid obstacles, making your mBot dance and sing, dressing up your mBot for a balloon fight,  programming your mBot with LED lights automatically turned on during dark, and much more…

The mBot Robotic kit enables students to realize that learning to code empowers them with the ability to physically manipulate and control the world around them.

About Makeblock:

Makeblock has always been devoting to stimulate the development of STEM education by optimizer robotic products and its platform. Their educational products are used in more than 20,000 schools worldwide in over 140 countries. One of those schools is AltSchool, the Silicon Valley education start-up founded by a former Google executive and backed by investors including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Pre-requirement: Previous experience with MIT Scratch programming is preferred.

Required devices: A laptop with a mouse and mBot 2.4G

Note: Please do not assemble the mBot at home. Our instructor will walkthrough and explain the parts in the first class.

